Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Pawans Comedy Role in Capitals Episode!

Power Star Pawan Kalyan plays hero characters in his films. He shows extreme heroism in his films. However, as a politician, he appears to have been playing a comedy role on AP's three capitals row. 

De facto, linking castes and reducing poor and rich differences were the aspects in Janasena's ideology.

Nevetheless, dumping the party's ethics and ideology, Janasena chief has been supporting the protests of Amaravati landlords and realtors who belong to one particular caste. 

And when the AP government adopted Janasena's ideology of linking castes and decentralised development through three capitals, Janasena chief should have welcomed the government's decision. Instead, adamantly supports limited number of Amaravati casteists just for the sake of to be in good books of the TDP's president CBN and yellow media. 

Pawan Kalyan should at least now wake up and should stay calm on the issue.

from English News feed from by Category

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