Trailer of Mallesham, a biopic on the weaver turned engineer from Telangana, was released yesterday to overwhelming response. Actor Priyadarshi, who is playing the titular character in the movie, looks promising in the role of the Padma Shri winner who won laurels after his invention of the Asu machine which is used in weaving.
It seems like, TRS Working President KTR who is promoting handlooms in Telangana is awed with Mallesham trailer. “Watch the trailer of @MalleshamMovie - a biopic based on the inspiring journey of a rural innovator Chintakindi Mallesham from Telangana. He was awarded Padma Shri in 2017 for inventing Asu machine. Best wishes to the entire movie crew.”
Madhura Sridhar, one of the producers of the film, thanked KTR saying, “Thank you so much sir!. Sir! You have been flag bearer for good cinema! And #Mallesham will make you proud sir!”
It is known that, the movie traces the journey of Mallesham, a sixth grade drop-out who turned into an engineer and inventor after seeing his mother toiling to weave the traditional Pochampally sarees.
Mallesham is slated for release on June 21st. Needless to say that, Telangana government will lend full support to the film directed by Raj R.
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